Project Impact is a discipleship training program where the students work 40 hrs in a secular job, then do small group Bible Study and training in the evenings... This summer, we are in the great city of Chicago...

Dress-up Social...


Can you name these totally awesome chicks from the 1980's?

satan can go sit on a tack


someone once said that satan is a great sociologist. i think that might have been jon randles...anyway, it's true. he watches our trend patterns and trips us up in the worst way possible.

i don't know everything that's been going down, and i don't need to know. but GOD DID NOT GIVE US A SPIRIT OF TIMIDITY...we are here to fight the good fight.

please pray for us as we are all battling our own demons. i know that i, personally, forget how real spiritual warfare is, and that there's a constant battle for our souls.

what a great Dad we have upstairs. psalm 60:12 says, "With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies." i belive this to the fullest and i know just as the flowers in the field, and the birds of the air, He will meet our every need.

thanks to everyone who has supported us financially, through prayer and encouragment.

moving day...again?


today all the girls got to move across campus into apartments!! we are so blessed to have such a ridonkulous amount of spacious goodness, and a beautiful view of the lake/pond thingy.

props to all the men here...they were all amazing in helping us pack up our millions of shoes and make up bags. they even carried purses. it was magical.

ps. here's a sweet verse i wanted to share. enjoy!

Romans 15:5-6 (NASV)
"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragment of the scriptures we might have hope. May the God who gives endurance and encouragment give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

D-Group Weekend


This last weekend was D-Group weekend. All the groups went on some sort of road-trip/outing fri. night through Sunday night. Most of them got a phat deal on a hotel of and toured the downtown area. I went to the famous metroplex of Des Moines, Ia to hang out with my grandpa. One the way home I stoppped by the place where they filmed "Feild of Dreams" It was pretty cool! I even bought some "Dream Dirt" from the gift shop...

Too Early


Right now it's 5:45 in the morning. Shane and I are staffing the fitness center here at Judson. The fitness center isn't open in the summers, but we persuaded them to let us in in the mornings for just the project to use it. Well, after much hassle with going through all the proper channels etc, we come to work out yesterday, and they didn't tell us that the free weight room is being remodeled.

So, Since the weight room is out of commission, we're left with some elyptical machines and some cable weights.

What's so funny about this post, you ask yourself? 34 people raised there hand to say they wanted to work out here, but right now I'm watching Shane do push-ups, and Tygre on the elyptical....

Comment Please!


One thing that really encourages us if you post a comment. That lets' us know that y'all are reading what we write. I understand if the post is not comment-worthy. I'll try to make them substantive!



I too feel like I'm getting used to the hilly, green surroundings and strange accents! I just hope everyone else is starting to settle down.



Okay...this is going to sound really cheesy, but tonight was the first night I felt like I could call Judson, "home." We had a fiesta night, donned with crepe paper, tacos and a human pinata!--and the feel of the room was so a family.

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." Colossians 3:15

Jobs 'R' Us!


As of today, all but 6 people have jobs! That's such a praise! Thanks for praying, and if you haven't, please start. Also, many folks need to raise lots of money, so be good stewards and help these peeps out! Email me if you want to know specifically how much someone needs.

Project Impact arrives on the www...


Welcome to the Project Imapct Blog!!

    Tentative Project Dates

  • May 29-July 29
  • Leader Apps Due

  • March 1
  • Participant Apps Due:April 1

  • April 1

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